Thursday, May 12, 2016

Netoge no Yome - 06

Netoge no Yome  - 06 here, Assassination Classroom in work, but not too soon, Kabaneri will have to wait.
upd: v2 patch to fix few typos. See comments in this post.

MKV: torrent, magnet
Softsub:  DDL v2
v2 patch:: DDL


  1. Thanks. ^^

    0033: On, I see... -> Oh, I see...
    1044: ...dsince -> ...since
    1742: an history -> a history
    1818: -> this line sounds like a double negative. Maybe it could be: -> "I'm going to be sad not seeing your beauty for over a month." ...even that sounds a bit odd though. O.o

    changes to match style of line at 1854:
    0557: "Real-life Offline." -> "Real-life Offline".
    0722: After that, choose "yes," and- -> After that, choose "yes", and-
    0816: Your name is going to be "Mu-tan." -> Your name is going to be "Mu-tan".

    1. Aww, I'll fix first 3 later.

      Also, AFAIK, according to rules, commas and periods going inside quotation marks. It would be a pain in the ass to remember changing them every time anyway, and I had my share of "?!" vs "!?" wars in the past, so I don't want to touch it again.

    2. Almost forgot to say - thank you.
